Suzanne JarrettOsteopath for Brighton and Hove

GDPR Compliance

Personal information:
All patients notes are kept at the practice for a minimum of eight years once they have discharged, moved away from the practice or in the instance of death.
All patient information is only for Osteopath Hove Brighton use and information will not be passed on to other sources. Information may be used for practice promotion such as vouchers or promotions. Each patient is asked to agree to this use. This is documented on notes.
Each patient has the right to access their notes and if they request erasure of their notes, this cannot be adhered to due to restrictions with medical data. Consent for treatment is taken at each appointment and recorded in the patients notes. Consent for under 16s is obtained from the patient and a parent or guardian also.

Referral contact:
If referral to an outside source is required, e.g. doctor, then consent is obtained from the patient and this is stored in their file.

Notes in the clinic:
During a clinic session, notes which are out for use are kept secluded so that the current patient being treated cannot see the personal information on the case notes.

Information from notes used for auditing will be used completely anonymously and for the improvement for Osteopath Hove Brighton only. Information will not be shared with an outside source unless audit is required to do so. In which case consent will be obtained for this.

Atypical contact:
Contact via social media, email or text services. It is encouraged for patients to use telephone contact in order to make, change and cancel appointments and to discuss their case. If a patient contacts via email, social media or text it is understood by the patient that they are consenting to this form of contact.

Note keeping:
All notes are kept behind two locks. This is done with a filing cabinet lock and lock on the front door. When the practice is open for business the notes are only behind one lock. However, there is someone present at the practice and therefore the security of the notes is maintained.

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